Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

In the story, “ The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” written by Ursula Le Guin. Guin’s story begins with a clear vivid picture of what the community called Omelas. The story begins with a parade with happy people all around just enjoying themselves. Much to our surprise the people of Omelas are able to have this happy luxurious community because of something that the entire town knows about but does nothing about. An extremely unfortunate situation with a young boy, who is kept in a tiny closet space with no window and a locked door most of the time. Sadly, this boy is so malnourish and has very interaction with society that he has given up hope. People come to see him for a much different reason. Additionally, he is the reason their lives are so fabulous, however they hate to see anybody go through this. Nevertheless, they just continue with their day-to-day lives as if it never happened.

I found this story to be extremely upsetting, and I got a cold feeling when I read it. Furthermore, this community just walks by this poor boy and lets him be abused. I could not allow that to happen in my community just for my happiness. I have to wonder why Guin choose to write a story like this. Perhaps she had something going on in her life that she left trapped yet everybody kept moving on as if she did not exist

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